Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Reading: 08 + 09

           Ambient or guerilla advertising.  This chapter and the chapter after it were really interesting to me because they are the new way to advertize.  In ambient advertising the advertisement is in a place that no one would suspect and therefore makes it more memorable.  It also has the advantage of thinking of the concept for the design first and then finding the client that fits.  This gives the designer a lot more elbowroom to come up with a really excellent idea. 
            Of course there are some things that you have to consider while you using this method. It can get expensive, and it has to be easy to produce.  If it’s to expensive or takes a lot of work to produce it won’t be worth the cost and it will harder to spread it around and attract a bigger audience.  There are also the limits of reality.  Would it really work?  You have to think about placement, weather conditions (if it’s outside), the audience it would be effecting and so on.  Also, as with any other advertisement, you have to make sure your not insulting anyone in the process. 
            The next chapter was similar because it focused on interactive advertising, which draws the audience in even more than the ambient advertising.  It also creates a connection between the audience and the company because they are physically interacting with them.  It’s also interesting that we have come to expect that companies will have an interactive website that we can look at to learn more about the product.  In that way people argue that it’s not really advertising; that you would find the web address on an ad that would lead you to the site to find out more.  Either way it’s giving people information about the product so that they will be more likely to purchase it. 
            This form of advertising also has it’s in that it is online.  People will find it, think its interesting, and then foreword it to other people so they can get in on the action too and that draws an even greater audience.
            There is also the problem of an ad being intrusive.  If the ad is disrupting what the person is doing then it could turn them off to the product.  You have to be sneaky about it and draw their attention with something interesting like the HP pong banner. That way they feel like they made the choice to be distracted instead of you forcing them to be distracted.   But this is an ever expanding way of advertising that holds the reigns of future advertising which makes it both important and interesting.

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